Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Everything is Coming Together...

I kinda can't believe it. Everything is in order for the March IVF! After a month of biting my nails all the insurance craziness is officially A-OK, I got three calls today confirming that the RE has received the authorization code, not only for this IVF, but if need be for all three IVFs. It is nice to know that if we have to do this more than once I won't have to worry about dealing with insurance any more.

I also discovered that my next Remicade infusion with be right smack in the middle of stimming. I am really happy the timing for Remicade and IVF is working out (completely coincidentally). It may not make a difference, but I feel better knowing that my Crohn's will be nice and calm and medicated during this cycle.

I am exactly 4 pounds away from my goal weight for IVF. I need to be at 287, I am currently at 291. I would like to be at 284, both for a little extra cushion in there and and because that means I will have lost exactly 60 pounds since April 2010. 7 pounds in three weeks is do-able. I got a little off track during my birthday week, but now I am back to consistently losing 2 pounds a week.

So all signs are pointing to this whole thing going off as scheduled. I am also trying to convince myself that it has to work since if it does the baby would be due the same week as Garry's birthday (yes I already figure it out, stop judging me).

Let the finger crossing commence!


  1. Hey Chrissy - just wanted to wish you luck! Sounds like everything is in order & you are ready for cycling March!

    Looks like we will be cycle buddies :) I too am doing IVF #2 in March - starting stims around 3/13! Hoping this is the final cycle for us!

  2. I'm so glad it is all working out. Best of luck!

  3. aaaaah! So excited for you! GOOD LUCK!!!!

  4. found you on the bump!!!
    Thats so exciting that the insurance and everything is all lined up for IVF! I too am on that dreaded weightloss wagon! Your doing great! 7 pounds in 3 weeks is doable!

